Feast For Crows 1: The Wars To Come

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  • Song Name: Feast For Crows 1: The Wars To Come
  • Artist: shark liver oil

We're back on the Thrones-waggon! Join us for our ten part journey through George RR Martin's A Feast For Crows, the fourth in his A Song Of Ice and Fire series. This week we're reading from the prologue to the chapter about Sam "Sam was reading about the others when he saw the mouse."

Get ready for our take on George's Magnificent Triple Prologue extravaganza. It's time to meet Pate, Areo Hotah, the Sand Snakes, Prince Doran, Aeron Damphair and a host of other new characters as George replenishes his heavily depleted character roster. With so many new faces you just know some of them are for the chop - but we'll be here to help you through it.

Send us your thoughts on the book by emailing sharkliveroilpodcast@gmail.com or get us on twitter @sharkliveroil