SLO: Zombie Apocalypse! Introcast

  • Play:
  • Song Name: SLO: Zombie Apocalypse! Introcast
  • Artist: Shark Liver Oil
  • Year: 2013

Uhhhrrrrr!! Uhhhhrrrrr!!!! Brrraaaains!!!

Zombies are the in thing at the moment - and Shark Liver Oil is always happy to get it's slippery rubbery ass onto a bandwagon. So our next book is going to be Zombie Apocalypse - created by Stephen Jones. It's a rag tag journey through an end of the world scenario that every man and his dog seems to think they can survive these days..

This cast is an introduction to the book. If you want to read along with us, you need to read as far as the handwritten diary where a 13 year old girl talks about George and Alex. I know it sounds weird, but if you have the book, you'll know what we're on about.

We're doing this book in conjunction with our mates at the Underground Book Club. You can find them on facebook at or on twitter at @ugrndbookclub

If you want to get in touch with us get an email in to or tweet us on @sharkliveroil

Now go get your fucking shotgun!! Those twitching, shambling bastards won't off themselves!