Feast For Crows 10 - Hangin With Brienne

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  • Song Name: Feast For Crows 10 - Hangin With Brienne
  • Artist: Shark Liver Oil

Its the final episode of Shark Liver Oil's rollocking good romp through George RR Martin's A Feast For Crows! And what a feast we have for you here. In a shock twist, Brienne appears to have survived, only to appear to die again a few pages later in another shock twist. Will she return in yet another shock twist when we get to A Dance of Dragons? And speaking of shock twists... its the return of Pate!!! (who?). Dude from the prologue. Wanted to sleep with a prostitute. Met some shady fellow in an alleyway and passed out. Of all the characters to make a dramatic and glorious return, he probably wasn't up there with Robb Stark, but we'll take what we can get at this stage..

Get your feedback into us on twitter @sharkliveroil or on email sharkliveroilpodcast@gmail.com

Note: Sorry for how late this episode has been. We've had a spike in popularity recently and its meant we crashed through our bandwidth limit last month. It's reset now but if it keeps happening we'll upgrade. Don't worry sharklettes, Shark Liver Oil isn't going anywhere!

And speaking of colossal monsters who make all before them tremble, we'll be taking a break from Game of Thrones over the next few months. So NEXT WEEK sees the arrival of a new book. And it's time for a walk in the park. JURASSIC PARK by Michael Crichton! If you're reading along with us, read as far as a chapter called The Tour (roughly 100 pages in). It's one of our favourite books, so should be a great series of casts!

If you want to only get the Game of Thrones episodes of Shark Liver Oil, you can always subscribe to "Game of Thrones with Shark Liver Oil" instead. We'll be back with Dance of Dragons in a few months time.