Jurassic Park Part 2 - Who Exactly is Richard Kiley Anyway

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  • Song Name: Jurassic Part Part 2 - Who Exactly is Richard Kiley Anyway
  • Artist: Shark Liver Oil

It's part 2 of our 5-part romp through Michael Crichton's classic Jurassic Park, and this month we've got questionable grandfathering, questionable labour practices, and questionable casting for the part of Ed 'Not In The Film' Regis - but more importantly than all of that WE'VE GOT DINOSAURS!

As ever, send us email at sharkliveroilpodcast@gmail.com, or tweet at us @sharkliveroil; but do it gently, we've just had to climb inside an electric fence to do the most extreme pruning job ever performed.