Jurassic Park Part 4: Veh, Veh Drunk

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  • Song Name: Jurassic Park Part 4: Veh, Veh Drunk
  • Artist: Shark Liver Oil

It's part 4 of our massive, stomping, bellowing shambles of a read-through of Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park! This week is an absolute mammoth, so it's a bit late, but to make up for it we've got it all - we've got raptor boxing, we've got dinosaur ASBOs, and we've got a T-Rex that falls asleep like your grandpa after Christmas dinner. We also spend a couple of minutes fundamentally redefining arithmetic because Michael Crichton brought maths to the table and we SHARKED IT. As ever, get in touch with your thoughts or reviews of the book - next week it's the big finale. sharkliveroilpodcast@gmail.com and @sharliveroil. Roar at us, bro.