SLO: A Game of Thrones Introcast

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  • Song Name: A Game of Thrones: Introcast
  • Artist: Shark Liver Oil
  • Album: SLO Does A Game of Thrones

It’s time for a new book! And it’s a monster - we take on George RR Martin’s A Game of Thrones. Eventually, we’ll cover the whole of his A Song of Ice and Fire, following along behind it like a gambolling jester behind a marauding army. Because that’s what we do.

We’ll be posting the first part of our coverage soon, but let this introcast whet your appetite for swords, lords and wars abroad. Or in Westeros. Whatever.

Read along with us, up to page 82, and let us know what you think -, and Twitter @sharkliveroil. Strap on your armour, unsheath your sword and let’s get medieval.