SLO reads GOT Part 10: Fire and Blood

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  • Song Name: SLO reads GOT Part 10: Fire and Blood
  • Artist: Shark Liver Oil

We read A Game of Thrones (the book) in 10 episodes (with the TV show). And it has come to this. Houses fall. Bastards (utter, utter bastards) end up on the throne. And a Dothraki barbecue gets seriously out of hand.

But we're not finished! Our epic gallop through A Song of Ice and Fire continues later this week with Part 1 of Book 2 - A Clash of Kings. It's not over yet, not by the length of a long sword. Who's your favourite murderous psycho, your capo de tutti manipulative monarchs? What have you loved and hated about the book? And where are we going next? Email us:, or tweet us up: @sharkliveroil. And we'll see you soon, when Kings Clash.