SLO: A Clash Of Kings Part 7 - A Man Without Honour

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  • Song Name: SLO: A Clash Of Kings Part 7 - A Man Without Honour
  • Artist: Shark Liver Oil

It's Part 7 of Shark Liver Oil's page by page guide to A Clash of Kings - George RR Martin's second book in his Song of Ice and Fire/ Game of Thrones series.

This one's called a man without honour. Can you guess who that might refer to? Here's a clue - he's betrayed his second family, fallen out with his dad and recently pushed a septon down a well.

Oh and yes, we're spelling "honour" like that. With a "u" in it. Because we're English and that's how we spell it.

Any comments on the book or the cast - get them to or @sharkliveroil on twitter.