A Storm of Swords Pt. 2 - Dark Wings, Dark Words

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  • Song Name: A Storm of Swords Pt. 2 - Dark Wings, Dark Words
  • Artist: Shark Liver Oil

NOT ONLY dark wings BUT ALSO dark words; also featuring the slow rise of Tyrion Lannister AND an historic occurence: Arya Stark does something other than go for a walk!

Also Dave resists the temptation to say 'The Lamb Men of the Lazaerene' closely into the microphone.

We're reading from a chapter featuring Bran, starting 'The ridge slanted sharply from the earth', to a chapter about Sam (BOSH, new POV character bonus!) starting 'Sobbing, Sam took another step.' It's roughly episode 2 and 3 of season 2 of Game of Thrones, with a bit from episode 1 - but this is the book.

As ever, get in touch on Twitter: @sharkliveroil, and via email: sharkliveroilpodcast@gmail.com.