A Storm of Swords, Pt. 3 - Walk of Punishment

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  • Song Name: A Storm of Swords, Pt. 3 - Walk of Punishment
  • Artist: Shark Liver Oil

The snow swirls. The night deepens. And somewhere in it, there are terrifying undead cookie-monster zombies. Welcome to Episode 3 of Shark Liver Oil's coverage of A Storm of Swords, by George RR Martin.

We've got epic battles. We've got political intrigue. And we finally get to see if Jaime Lannister can actually fight. It's all on!

Also featuring: Matt's masterpiece theatre. You do not want to miss this.

We're reading from a chapter about Sam, starting with 'Sobbing, he took another step', all the way to a chapter about Bran, starting with 'No roads ran through the twisting mountain valleys'. That's page 236 to page 331 in the paperback 'Steel and Snow' edition.

These books do not get any easier to reference as time goes on. But we do it for you!

As always, get in touch on Twitter: @sharkliveroil, or by email: sharkliveroilpodcast@gmail.com.