A Storm Of Swords Pt 5 - And Now His Watch Is Ended

  • Play:
  • Song Name: A Storm Of Swords Pt 5 - And Now His Watch Is Ended
  • Artist: Shark Liver Oil

We're at the halfway point of George RR Martin's A Storm Of Swords. We question the wisdom of the Nights Watch selection process, we enjoy a load of big set piece actions sequences (the hound v beric, the old bear v the mutineers, the real bear v jaime) and we delight in the Mr Burns echoing way that you can say... release the Hound!!

Feedback on the book or the cast? We want it from you! Send your thoughts to sharkliveroilpodcast@gmail.com find us on twitter @sharkliveroil and we're on Facebook - just search for Shark Liver Oil Podcast!